What is Foodastro ?

Foodastro is the brainchild of a team of Best Astrologers whose mission is to provide the society and mainly to the sufferer with a Unique and scientific idea to find out the solution of their problem with the best remedies.

UIltimately people used to buy Pure Confusion and there are no ultimate solutions. Foodastro Astrologers Deals only with solutions. Foodastro Astrologers provides systematic and Scientifically curated solutions and remedies that is well researched by our Astrologers for the solutions of your particular problems with a nominal charge. Check it and You will be amazed.

How does Foodstro works ?

Astrologers minutely checks your horoscope and explains your past events in life, if there is any mis match of your past events, Astrologer will reconfirm the birth data with you. We will do the birth time rectification if required. Astrologers will again explains the past events, if these are matched, we will start with the present events. Then we will make predictions for the future. We will provide the printed Horoscope as per your Language and will prescribe the remedial measure, that need to follow.

How does Remedy is prepared to nullify the problem?

In the market there are Precious and Semi-Precious gemstone, various Kabach, Various types of things are available to be used as a remedy for the life problems. People used to run from one door to another door to find out the solutions, be it Marriage Problem, Love problem, Divorce related issues, Black Magic related issues etc. Minute and knowledgeable study of your horoscope and knowledge of all remedies can sort out the problem.

We unconditionally assures with the solutions for the categories we have designed and in future we will come up with more categories as we are working on that. That is the reason we take 72 Hrs of time to deliver the menu after receiving the payments online.

What are factors generally involved for accurate predictions ?

Accurate predictions are only provided by those who are having indepth knowledge of Vedic Jyotish Sastra. Along with that Numerology, Palm Reading, Tarot Readings are also important to deliver the final prediction. For any instant remedy we have food remedy posted on our home page to order for your convenience. We have

1. Fifteen days Menu
2. Thirty Three days Menu
3.Forty Two days Menu

Few critical cases need the menu to be continued for the longer durations to get the complete solutions.

Is Foodastro Astrologers Really can make changes in lives of people ?

Absolutely, Foodastro Astrologers are solutions for your problem permanently. May be sometime in few critical case we advise our guests to Consult our asytrologers till there is relief from the certain problem . In case of food menu, it is advised to repeat the same course for a further extended period, but the solution would be there permanently.

If there is a genuine requirement of any Gemstone we will work out as per your wish and opinion and it would be prescribed.

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